Monday, July 19, 2010

About this Blog

My name is Dan, and this is my blog. A lot of people call me Danny (especially if they met me before I had braces). But my birth certificate, drivers licence, marriage certificate, and basically every other important document states that my name is Daniel.

There is a Daniel in the bible you know. Right between The Book of Ezekiel and the The Book of Hosea, you will find The Book of Daniel. And since this blog will focus on my faith journey as a "Cradle Catholic," I have taken a tongue-in-cheek approach to naming it.

Before I give my reason for starting this blog, let me first start with why I am qualified to blog on matters of the Catholic faith. Well, let me first start by saying why I am not qualified. I am not a priest or deacon. I don't have a masters degree in theology or a doctorate in philosophy. Heck, I went to public school K-12. I have not read the Bible in its entirety and come to a deep, deep understand of everything that scripture has to offer. I have not conquered sin and vice in my own life. In fact, in many ways, I struggle living a life a virtue. There is much room for improvement in my own prayer life. I cannot give a comprehensive explanation of all the Church teaches. I have sinned much in my life and I know that the temptation to sin will always present itself to me.

So why am I qualified to speak on such matters? The best answers I can give is that I have been baptized and by sharing the message of Christ's love with others, I am living my baptismal call. For two thousand years, the Spirit has led sinners like myself to witness to the truth of Jesus Christ. Many martyrs, saints, popes, priest, bishops, nuns, deacons, fathers, mothers, and teachers among others have passed down the faith. The "Apostolic" nature of the Catholic faith is a beautiful thing that we have all benefited from and are called to participate in.

That is where the why comes in. Why blog about this? Well, truth be told, I am new to this blogging thing. I mean, I have read a few but never blogged myself. I don't even have a Facebook account. I never Tweeted or received a Tweet. I feel like I am jumping from t-ball to the big leagues in this whole social media thing. But to answer the question, I truly feel that this is something that God has called me to do. As mentioned, I know that we are all called in some way to spread the good news of the gospel and in this day and age, why not use all the technology available to do that.

I often find myself reading something impactful that I feel compelled share with everyone I know but can never find a way to interject it into conversation. I sometimes hear a homily at mass that speaks to my own fears and gives me peace. A peace I know that others are looking for. And some times I will read a bible passage that comes alive in my heart and I want the world to know that God has great plans for each of our lives.

This blog will give me a way of sharing all that goodness, all that love, all that hope.

I intend to be honest in my posts. I hope this blog is inspirational and thought-provoking. I hope that people of different faith perspectives read this blog. Above all, I pray that this blog is a way for me and anyone who reads it, to grow closer to the Lord and come to a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Catholic faith.

A few notes to mention:

First, I don't have all the answers. If something on this blog leaves you with questions, seek out a priest and talk to him about it. Even if you aren't Catholic or have stopped practicing the faith. Go talk to a priest. They won't yell at you. They won't judge you. They will offer their wisdom in a compassionate and loving manner. Let me know if I am wrong on that, I'll buy you lunch to make up for it. Priest become priest so they can minister to God's children. They would rather discuss God's mercy or His call to service over attending a Finance Council meeting any day. Make a priests day and go talk to him about where you are and what you are struggling with.

Second, unlike the Pope, I am fallible. I might write something that some fact-checker type could dispute in an effort discredit the message. Having said that, I will try always to clear and accurate with anything I write. I will try to reference any sources I use. But at the end of the day, The Book of Daniel is inspired word while The Blog of Daniel will be one guy's take on things. The local diocese does not oversee this blog. I doubt anyone in Rome is keeping tabs on me. The point being, don't complain to them if you don't like something I write.

Third, this is my first stab at blogging. Anticipate technical errors. Be ready for the post to vary in style and length. Don't set your watch by when I post; it might be daily, weekly, monthly. Time will tell how this goes so.

Lastly, know that if you are reading my blog, I will be praying for you. I will pray that you can come to know God and his plans for your life. I will be praying that you make more time for prayer yourself. I will be praying that you too answer His call to make disciples of all the nations. I will pray that you experience eternal life with God the Father. Please pray for me too.

Ad majorem Dei gloriam,

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