Monday, December 20, 2010

I'll Be Home For Home For Christmas

So I have sort of been reading this little, blue book. It is titled, "The Little Blue Book: Advent and Christmas Seasons 2010-2011". Creative, huh? This little, blue book was given out to parishioners of my parish at the start of the Advent season (the four weeks leading up to Christmas). It has a reflection for everyday leading up to Christmas as well as the couple weeks that follow December 25th.

The passage from the other day struck a chord with me because of the intent of this blog. As stated above, one of the major goals of this blog is to reach "Christmas and Easter Catholics." So I hope this blog is indeed being read by at least a few "Christmas and Easter Catholics" who might be feeling compelled to grow deeper in their Catholic faith. And if you are one that truly is a Catholic that attends mass on Christmas and Easter, this is the one week that you could say in all honesty that you intend to go to mass. Let me be the first to say, "welcome back!"

The passage in the book from this past Sunday, December 19th, was titled "The House Church." Here is what is said:

On October 4, 1943 in the middle of World War II, Bing Crosby recorded, "I'll Be Home For Christmas," one of his most famous Christmas songs (surpassed only by his "White Christmas" and "Silent Night"). The song became emblematic of the separations caused by the war.

"Wars" in families can cause separations too.

Christmas is six days away. Make plans to to come home to your family, even if it involves some forgiveness.

Come home to your Church, even if that involves some forgiveness- perhaps in both directions.

No home, no Church is perfect. It's simply a place where imperfect people treat each other with a kindness that no one has to earn.

At Christmas time we belong with our family, and with our Church- it's the birthday feast of the Son of God who called everyone his brothers and sisters.

"I'll be home home for Christmas." There's a beautiful ring to those words. May it be our song this Christmas season.

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